Main Menu
Agenda : Kalender, Agenda
Todo: Wartezimmer + Todo Liste, Sale d’attente + Liste des choses à faire, Sala d’attesa + Lista di cose da fare,
Billing: Allgemeine Abbrechnungs Menu, Menu pour Facturation géneral, Menu per la fatturazione generale
Statistics : Statistik Menu, Menu des Statistiques, Menu delle statistiche
Surgeries : OP Pläne, Plans opératoires, Piani operatori
NCservices : Nicht Compendium oder Tarmed Leistungen, Liste des choses qui ne son pas Compendium ou Tarmed, Lista delle prestazione che non sono Compendium oppure Tarmed
Patients : Patienten Verwaltung, Gestion des Patients, Gestione pazienti
Setting e Preferences : Einstellungen von Eyesoft, Configuration Eyesoft, Configurazione di Eyesoft
1.1 Patient data
Patients (find)
Um nach einem Patienten zu suchen, geben Sie mindestens 3 Zeichen ein
Pour rechercher un patient, saisissez au moins 3 caractères
Per ricercare un paziente inserire almeno 3 caratteri
To search for a patient, enter at least 3 characters
mu ha
mus h
Do not use äöü or àé or ', use space instead of –, enter dates without leading 0
Phone numbers: enter digits only without separators, then hit space bar to start search.
Go to patient:
Go to last clinic directly:
Patient data:
Edit Patient Data:
Insert Insurance(s) :
Insert Physician(s):
Agenda panel:
This is the Agenda of the selected date for the selected Doctor
Shortcuts :
Find Patient
option 1
option 2 (spacebar, valid for all Patinets Layouts)
option 3 (Advanced Find)
Search for all the fields and press enter
1.2 Measures
1.2.1 LM/AR/TONO
and Import (press print/out/export on the measuring device if necessary)
1.2.2 Import images
Perimetry (import left, import right)
option 1
Drag and drop
option 2
Import single
option 3
import multiple (choose Folder)
Other images (import)
1.3 Clinical findings
1.4 Payments
Divided into Open/Ready, Sent/Pendings/Appeal and Closed/Cancellation
1.5 Letters